Welcome to everythingOutreach blog. The goal is simple: To simplify the search process for locating outreach organizations who can provide resources and assistance for those in need. Sometimes in life we go through things we would never imagine going through and we find ourselves in need of compassion and a little bit of assistance. So, I will continue to journal from my personal experience and update the various resources that I find available through my research.

Friday, September 3, 2010

First Blog to explain a little more about what this is about...

First of all, the photo....  of the dog on this blog page...  that's Charlie....   he's my dog, my friend, my faithful companion....  that picture is a reminder of the 2 days I was virtually "houseless".  while he & I were staying in a hotel room, paid for on borrowed money..  Hoping, and praying we'd be able to find housing that I could afford or qualify for, as I had no more money.  You see, I'd fallen victim to the game so many Americans fall victim to every day.  The "I got injured legitimately on the job, they then laid me off and tried to not take care of me from there" game.  Now, I am pretty resilient if I do say so myself, so, I did some "homework" and searched the web, and searched the web, and made calls, and made calls, etc.  I came upon a place that allowed me, and even "updated" the policies to allow for Charlie to come with me and for us to have a place to stay, while I healed, found employment, and got back on my feet.  So, here I am, about 2 and a half months in, and Charlie & I are now finally settled into the little transitional housing apartment and I've been searching profusely for employment.  Granted, I am limited to what I can apply for, as I am still healing from my injury, and thus far, after many a search and many an application for several several jobs, I've got nothing.  But, I press on....  continuing to search, and apply for anything resembling legit employment, in retail, food, sales, etc.  Anything but what I want to really do, which is to help/serve others, as all of those jobs don't have an opening in this area in what I'm currently qualified for....  sure, there's volunteer positions galore, but, until I'm independently wealthy, that won't exactly pay the bills...   So, again I press on, search on, and try my best to move on... but, not without trying to do some good for others, hopefully through this blog and the information I start to put on it and talk about with the experience I've gained in all my battles including the most recent/current one of course and with all my experience in searching for places of employment with Outreach organizations as well as opportunities to serve and assist others.  Thanks a lot, I hope this helps.  

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